Supersized Business Process Management - The End of the Trail

One of the compelling truisms of technology is Stuart's Law of Network Dynamics: For every level of service, there is an equal and opposite level of disservice.
This is the gestalt of modern BPM, captured in this recent Supersize BPM article. The whole "BPM industry" (everybody but us, it seems) has followed Zawinski's Law - the leading packages have reached the end of the trail, and those promised business benefits are still eluding them and their customers.
By my take the leaders, in adding everything, have added so much that the very bulk of their offerings is now an impediment to extracting value from those offerings. They can no longer add anything new without taking things away.
Therein lies our opportunity - executing on a crystal vision of where the value really comes from. We don't need to add everything - just the things that matter, and add them really well.
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