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Angry Chef - a doodleware drawing in Tibco Integration Mgr

What makes our products (and our company, by extension) different?

This question has consumed more of my time than anything else since I joined. Over this past weekend I found a guiding light on the path to this enlightenment, and even if I can't yet describe what Tranzax is, I can at least clearly describe what it is not.

I spent a couple of hours over the weekend watching a remarkable presentation by Google Architect Gregor Hohpe entitled Developing in a Service-Oriented World.

Gregor's presentation covers it all, but the best of the presentation starts at 25:12 into the presentation, where with two jaw-dropping slides and six minutes of presentation he both describes what makes Tranzax unique, and mocks all or our competitors.

"Doodleware" is the term he uses for graphical-process-editor artifacts that put a pretty façade to hide (but not eliminate, or even deal with) the underlying complexity of business processes. A doodleware gallery can be found here.

For our technical team - the whole presentation is a must-see. Everybody should check out minutes 25-32. It's technical, but it tells it all.

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