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Cloud Computing (a brief blast from the past)

"Cloud computing" is a hot topic and a pretty neat idea that's showing up in a lot of 2009 predictions (including mine :). Cloud stuff is cool because it's possible to evaluate new things at remarkably low cost: at my last company we spent all of $2.40 to evaluate a pretty big (figure 1-2M pageviews/month) application on Amazon, and using Amazon as our core development platform for 5 months cost us all of about $350.

Anyway, back in April I got to introduce the product with Amazon's Lead Evangelist for cloud computing, Mike Culver, and in updating things on LinkedIn the presentation got new life and seems to have become mildly popular under the banner "cloud computing."

I've "cloud-attached" (though Slideshare) that presentation below. It's pretty light and has some definitively "April 2008" humor to it.

Cloud Time
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: thin nginx)

For now the little tidbit below will have to suffice...

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